Hello, I am

Alexandru Stroe

I am a 2nd year student at Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics at UNSTPB, an involved person, passionate about music and movies, always ready for new challenges.

Below you will find more information about me, my personal experience and some recent projects. Have fun!

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Figma Designer



About Me

Hey, nice to see you here!

I believe that the learning period never ends. There's always time to try something new, return on something we left "for another time" or to perfect something special.

Under this thought, I followed a JavaScript course on Udemy, and because I aspire at a Full Stack level, I also completed a Python course created by Learn Programming Academy.

For a professional technical profile, the knowledge of AutoCad at an intermediate level and the basics of programming in LabView, along with skills such as analytical thinking, resilience to stress and adaptability to various situations spontaneous.

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My Skills

Web Front-End

I am a front-end developer passionate about creating engaging and interactive web experiences. With strong skills in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, can turn the design into the source code of a website functional and aesthetic.


I prefer Figma for creating impressive and functional designs. It is one of my favorite tool for turning ideas and concepts into interactive prototypes and high quality graphic designs.


With a basic knowledge of AutoCAD, I am able to make and modify accurate technical drawings. My experience includes making plans and 2D sketches of various parts, ideal for projects of engineering.

Latest Projects

Certain projects may be only available in Romanian language

Personal various Projects

Industrial Robotic Arm

Demonstration document (Ro version)

Frontend Mentor

Portfolio support platform

I Code This

Platform with various project ideas

Web external Projects

Traditional Romanian food

A perfect design for a rustic restaurant

The World Wars

A special theme, worthy of the front page

Tourist attractions

Special places you shouldn't miss

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